Marres offers an education program for-and together with-schools at all learning levels. Central to these projects is the training of perception. In interactive programs at school or at Marres, pupils, schoolchildren and students discover what sensory knowledge comes from experiencing contemporary art. Marres stimulates children and youth to explore this bodily knowledge in their own way and then to link it to art. The youth are guided in translating observations into different art forms such as drawings, theater or video.
Teachers can visit with classes but students can also visit independently. In addition, Marres brings projects to schools. Together with schools, Marres also develops tailor-made programs. Marres does not limit itself to art alone, but also involves other disciplines such as languages, philosophy, geography, history and chemistry.
Curious about our offer? Click below for more information about our education program for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education, Marres Extended as well as the possibility of a customized educational program.
Primary education
Marres’ education team offers elementary schools an educational, interactive experience in which students use their whole bodies to explore art.
Secondary education
High school students learn to analyze and translate their own perceptions and experiences of art at Marres.
Higher education
Marres encourages students of Higher Education to think along within the research on senses-based learning: what knowledge do our senses impart?
At Extended, young people create a social art project together over four months.
Customized education programs
Marres develops customized programs for educational institutions, companies and organizations and regularly supervises interns. Curious about the possibilities? Please contact Farah Wilbers.
What’s new?
Curious what Marres’ education team is up to? Check out all the projects and read the latest news in the education blog.
Education partners
AZC Maastricht
Cultuurmakers Maastricht
De Domijnen, Sittard
Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg
Kaleidoscoop / Boost your talent
Lokaal C, Venray
Connect College
United World College
LVO – Stichting Limburg Voortgezet Onderwijs: Bernard Lievegoed College, Bonnefanten College, Broeklandcollege, Graaf Huyn College, Porta Mosana College, Sint-Maartenscollege, Sophianum, Stella Maris College
Montessori Kindcentrum Maastricht
Pit Cultuurwijzer, Heerlen
Sint Clemens Stichting
Stichting met je Hart
Stichting Kanunnik Salden/Nieuwenhof
Universiteit Maastricht
Zuyd Hogeschool