On June 4, 5 and 6 from 4-7pm, Marres and the six European partners of the Erasmus+ SensesSquared project organised the Training the Senses Symposium: a three-day program filled with workshops and trainings teaching you to enrich your teaching practice by implementing sensory and embodied learning.
Training the Senses Symposium took place at Marres and aimed to get primary and secondary school teachers, pedagogy students, and educational workers from the arts and culture sector to creatively think about teaching practices by way of sensory trainings.
Workshop schedule
16:00 – 16:15 Welcome & introduction
16:15 – 17:30 Workshop round 1
17:35 – 18:50 Workshop round 2
19:00 Closing in the garden
Each day offered two workshops highlighting different aspects of sensory education. On day 1, you could experience what sound massage can do to the body and learn how to use ethnography as an alternative method of noting down learning outcomes. On day 2, you could work with voice and listening exercises that help students connect with themselves and their environment. Day 3 will focus on different forms of artistic research as an enrichment method for education.
Participants were free to choose their own schedule, meaning that you could attend single workshops on different days, or follow a full day program. All workshops were exclusively taught in English and participation was completely free of charge.