11 Dec 2014 — 13 Feb 2015

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Carolin Eidner, Untitled (Party Delay 2), 2013–14 (Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij)

Marres Currents #2: Rumour Has It is the second episode of the annual exhibition series titled Marres Currents.

Curators: Hélène Webers and Mels Evers

With this series, Marres presents recent graduates from art academies in the Southern Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. While offering emerging artists and curators a platform, Marres also aims to build an international infrastructure for talent development.

Rumour Has It was curated by Hélène Webers and Mels Evers and presented a selection of contemporary art practice, featuring the work of inspired, young artists from the regions around
Maastricht. It was an impressive selection, with works by nineteen emerging artists, who, after their time at the academy, were now exhibiting their work to a wider public. These works were statements, each with its own execution and themes, which challenged the audience to view the work not as an irrefutable end product, but as a layered means of expression. In relation to current tendencies in contemporary art, the selected artists’ works were both surprising and convincing. They’ve taken flight from the art academies, with their sights firmly set on crossingborders. At the time of this exhibition, their work saw the light of day, it represented a contemporary current within the visual arts.

Rumour Has It was a proposition for searching and finding, both for the artists and the visitor. Amidst environments brimming with stories, shapes, colours, and performances, both met somewhere in the middle.

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Participating Artists

R’m Aharoni, Laura van Biervliet, Oliver Blumek, Polien Boons, Jerome Daly, Lydia Debeer, Thorben Eggers, Carolin Eidner, Timo van Grinsven, Hanne Haesevoets, Tom Hallet, Evelien Mattheij, Tessa van der Meeren, Mike Moonen, Griet Moors, Vincent Vreeke, Moritz Wegwerth, Simon Weins and Arnold Wittenberg.

Participating academies

Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten Maastricht, Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Ghent, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, MAD-Faculty Hasselt & Genk, AKV|St.Joost Den Bosch & Breda, Sint-Lucas Antwerp, Sint-Lukas Brussels, Sint-Lucas Ghent.


Hélène Webers (1987) graduated in Museology at the Reinwardt Academy and Art History at the University of Amsterdam. She is involved in artists’ collective SERVICEGARAGE in Amsterdam. She also works as an independent curator. Before, she was assistant curator at SMART Project Space in Amsterdam.

Mels Evers (1987) graduated as a museum curator at the University of Amsterdam and specialized in performance art. He conducted research for the performance program of the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and worked as a guest curator for various galleries. He is now program associate for the Friday Evenings of the Van Gogh Museum.

Exhibition Overview

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Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
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Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij
Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij

Video’s artists

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2 | De curatoren

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2 | Griet Moors Laura van Biervliet Timo van Grinsven

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2 | Jerome Daly

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2 | Polien Boons Simon Weins Caroline Eidner

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2 | R’m Aharoni

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2 | Thorben Eggers Tom Hallet Oliver Blumek Lydia Debeer

Currents #2: Rumour Has It

Currents #2 | Vincent Vreeke Evelien Mattheij Hanne Haesevoets Mike Moonen

Currents #2: Rumour Has It
Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij

Public program


January 4, 2015
Tom Hallet & Polien Boons

February 1, 2015
Mike Moonen

February 8, 2015
Vincent Vreeke and Griet Moors

February 12, 2015


For press requests, imagery and interview requests, please contact Julie Cordewener: julie.cordewener@marres.org.