Are you curious about other people and cultures? Have you always wanted to know what goes on behind the scenes at a cultural institution? Extended is looking for young people to join the new workshop series!

Adventures in Slumberland
It’s the middle of the night when Professor Genius suddenly wakes you up. He invites you on a magical trip to Slumberland. Before you know it, you’re flying in a zeppelin through the sky to meet King Morpheus. He’s chosen you to be the new heir to the throne. Pretty cool, right?
The king hands you a key—the key that opens every door in the kingdom. But he warns you: never open the door that releases ‘The Nightmare.’
And yet… despite everything, you turn the key.
You wake up with a jolt. Your alarm says 4:00 AM, your room is dark, your heart is racing, and your skin is damp with sweat. Slowly, it hits you: it was just a dream. But as you close your eyes again, you can already feel it—you’re on your way back to Slumberland.
What would you do with that key?
What if you could open every door? Where would your curiosity take you? What would you see, hear, feel? And… would you ever open a door you know could be dangerous?
Dive into the world of dreams and nightmares
In this new workshop series, Extended takes young people on a creative journey of discovery. We’ll explore the magical, beautiful—and sometimes scary—world of dreams and nightmares.
Dreams are more than just weird stories in your head. They let you imagine other worlds, escape the chaos of everyday life, and they can even help you come up with fresh ideas. What if you could use your imagination to actually change something?
In the spring of 2025, we’ll dive deep into the world of dreams, just like Little Nemo in Adventures in Slumberland. These workshops are inspired by Mexican artist Alejandro Galván, whose exhibition Vultures & Fireflies creates a colorful dream world. His art blends stories from his neighborhood with myths, comics, and gaming culture—where fantasy and reality merge.
With the help of artists, a coach, and the facilities of Marres and the Jan van Eyck Academie, you’ll have the chance to create and shape your own dream world.
What will we explore?
- How can you use dreams and imagination to think creatively and come up with new ideas?
- Can dreams help you see the world in a different way?
- What if the images from your dreams help you think outside the box?
- How can you use your imagination as a powerful tool for change?
You have the key. Do you dare to use it?
Are you excited about this new Extended program? Please apply before the 9th of March. After you have signed up you will receive an invitation to meet the Extended team. Hope to see you soon!

Photo: Emmelie Koster, Courtesy of No Man’s Art Gallery

What is Extended?
Marres and the Jan van Eyck Academie collaborate on the education program Extended: the youth program of both institutes, where you work on a social art project for four months under professional guidance. At Extended, you research in a team how to make young people use or experience their senses in a different way. How can you make people hear, feel, smell, see or taste something to make them think?
Marres researches the senses in contemporary culture. Extended offers you an unique look behind the scenes through your own project. With the knowledge and assistance of curators, scientists, artists and communication heroes, you’ll discover contemporary culture from different sides.
Customized education programs
Marres develops customized programs for educational institutions, companies and organizations and regularly supervises interns. Curious about the possibilities? Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.
What’s new?
Curious what Marres’ education team is up to? Check out all the projects and read the latest news in the education blog.
Extended introduces teenagers and young adults from different backgrounds to contemporary art and the urgent societal topics on its agenda, such as sustainability and inclusivity. Focusing on one topic or discipline, the young researchers will investigate how they can translate their knowledge to their peers. The programme is carried out twice a year and each time runs for four months.
Thank you to VSBfonds, FONDS21 and Cultuurmakers for the generous support in realising this programme.

Marres and Jan van Eyck Academie work together with different schools and organizations to make this project a success;
– LVO – Stichting Limburg Voortgezet Onderwijs
– Cultuurbegeleiders PABO Sittard
– Stichting SIEN
– Kumulus
– Het Kunstcarroussel
– Maastricht University
– Zuyd Hogeschool
– Bernard Lievegoed College
– United World College