On May 17, 24 and 31, Marres hosts a workshop series of The Invisible Collection at Sint Jozef Elementary School in Merkelbeek, with talent group 6, 7 and 8 participating.
The workshops are Limburg Biënnale themed. Students listen to a story of the artwork 50-50 that can be seen in Odapark, Venray. In the group we discuss what we hear and what the artwork could look like. Students use their imagination. After this they design their own artwork based on the story.
The next lesson they will elaborate their drawing into a 3D sculpture. They actually create their own sculpture park, like in Odapark. The students work out their own ideas with various materials (clay, wood, iron wire, cork, cardboard, wool, bubble wrap, etc.). The process and discovering new materials and combinations are key.
On the third workshop they create a story about their own artwork, this they then also voice. When describing the artwork, they involve all the senses.