
Photo: Rob van Hoorn

SenseSquared is a European initiative supported by Erasmus+ in which Marres and five European partners explore the possibilities of a sensory approach and an artistic attitude within education and society.

Marres is developing a hands-on arts-based research education approach in SenseSquared; with exercises, contexts, tools and kits.

Marres is convinced that artistic research can be a fantastic resource for education to develop a way of working that trains the senses and develops creativity. So that knowledge is not only head-on, but actually involves the body. In artistic research, perception and experimentation play a major role. Artists find new ways to train perception and create stories with it.

This artistic attitude in education stimulates creativity and helps students communicate perception. In addition, this approach motivates students to self-regulate in a creative process by making thinking and doing visible. Students are encouraged to make connections to other subject areas such as citizenship, social skills and language.

Foto: Rob van Hoorn

SenseSquared: An Education for the Future MANIFESTO

Catch a glimpse of a new paradigm for education. SenseSquareds second international conference introduces teachers, school leaders, artists and policymakers to a different view of education.

The SenseSquared MANIFESTO sheds light on how education may need to transform itself to meet the challenges of the future.

Sensesquared MANIFESTO

Friday 15 and Saturday 16 November
9.30AM – 5PM
Erasmus University College Campus Kanal
Slotstraat/Rue de la Serrure 28

More information about the SenseSquared MANIFESTO program
Sensesquared Training the Senses Symposium at Marres, June 2024
Photo: Rob van Hoorn

What are the tools and kits?

Marres develops practical tools and kits: art-based research tools for teachers to stimulate embodied knowledge in their students. The tools are easy to apply within current educational settings to initiate an educational theme from creativity and intrinsically motivate students.

Photo: Rob van Hoorn

What we do

Marres develops these ‘tools and kits’ as part of a European collaboration called SenseSquared. Together with partners from Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Portugal, Marres is involved in the ethnographic research of these artistic interventions. We provide workshops at schools. Marres is also working on a 3-day Training The Senses event from 4 to 6 June 2024, which together with the other partners will provide training for teachers and educators to foster artistic attitudes and sensory learning in the current educational climate (continue reading below).

Photo: Rob van Hoorn


Marres offers education innovative and creative workshops. During a workshop, for example, we move the learning environment from the classroom to the schoolyard or the gym, let pupils map their environment sensorially or stimulate creativity with an art story that appeals to the imagination.

Would you like to know more about how Marres encourages students to learn from creativity, curiosity and intrinsic motivation? Contact us to discuss the possibilities of a workshop at school.

Participating partners

SenseSquared is a collaboration between Musica Impulse Centre (BE), Companhia de Música Teatral (PT), Marres House for Contemporary Culture (NL), Sisters Hope (DK), Stavanger University (NO) and Maastricht University (NL).

SenseSquared is made possible by the European Union.

Training the Senses Symposium

On June 4, 5 and 6, Marres and the six European partners of the Erasmus+ SensesSquared project organised the Training the Senses Symposium: a three-day program filled with workshops and trainings teaching you to enrich you teaching practice by implementing sensory and embodied learning.

Read more about the
Training the Senses Symposium