10 Aug 2024

Rooms Reprise

Photo: © Sanne Peper

Last January, Marres, VIA ZUID, de Brakke Grond, Dansateliers and FASHIONCLASH presented the performance festival Rooms.

This Summer, Merette van Hijfte & Pleuni Veen will give a reprise of their performance PAL in the ice house at Marres.

They will present the visual poem PAL, which gives shape to the moment when we exchange freedom for safety. In doing so, they respond to the various meanings of the adverb, which refers to the original, Dutch expression “pal staan”, and its figurative meaning “to be immobile” or “to stand firm.” 

Keep an eye on this page and our socials for more information on timetables and ticket sales!

Throwback to Rooms 2024

We hope to see you again at the next edition of Rooms, scheduled for January 25-26, 2025.


As a mathematics student, Pleuni Veen (1994, NL) is intrigued by the balance between the certain yet indeterminate nature of the world, and between the understandable and the intangible. Contact, friction and wonder are central to her work. 

MeretteVan Hijfte (1994, NL) is a playful performer and energetic maker, who is not afraid to act from her intuition and impulses, making her work explosive and gritty. Following her graduation at the Mime School, she has been active as an actress, a filmmaker and member of the Collective BAMBAMBAM.