04 Sep 2021 — 05 Sep 2021

Rooms Performance festival

https://youtu.be/9UMq-EIMyRI?si=olLgD9FEB3MvUMUj Aftermovie Rooms 2021
Aftermovie Rooms 2021

In the weekend of September 4 and 5 of 2021, Marres launched performance festival Rooms. Rooms presents new work by young makers and established talents. In the homely chambers of Marres, exiting theatre, dreamy films, intimate dance pieces and extraordinary visual arts alternate. Behind the doors of the rooms, ten makers take you on a two-day expedition to unexplored worlds.

Photo: Ies Kaczmarek


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Boris de Klerk, Kiem Photo: © Sanne Peper
ROOMS Performance Festival
Megan de Kruijf, Treat thy neighbour as thyself
Photo: © Sanne Peper
ROOMS Performance Festival
Myra Schouten, Ik ben gestolen
Photo: © Sanne Peper
ROOMS Performance Festival
Marthe Koning, GOT 2 4 GET
Photo: © Sanne Peper
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ROOMS Performance Festival
Toon Teeken, The Day After
Photo: © Sanne Peper
ROOMS Performance Festival
Keren Levi, There she is
Photo: © Sanne Peper
ROOMS Performance Festival
Marika Meoli & Joost Vrouenraets, In presence of an embracement
Foto: © Sanne Peper
ROOMS Performance Festival
Jaap Scheeren & Rik van den Bos, Flipping The Bird
Photo: © Sanne Peper


Sa: 12.00 & 3 pm / Sun:3 pm (balzaal)

Kiem is a stream of thoughts, trying to catch up with itself in fits and starts.  A failed reflection on scale, context, language and people.

Sa: 1.30 pm / Sun:1.30 & 4.30 pm (balzaal)

In GOT 2 4 GET, Koning tries to not divide herself and the world into one ‘I’ and millions ‘others’. She surrenders. In a ritual incantation with the audience on her side, she defies gravity and sings away thoughts with one goal: to be allowed to dissolve into a greater whole.

Sa: 12.45 & 3.45 pm / Sun:2.15 (schouwkamer)

Treat thy neighbour as thyself is a stream of consciousness exploring the discomfort of speaking your mind. A woman sits on a chair that for some reason has been put onto a platform. She has something to say and she will need to figure out how to do this. She might be addressing someone specifically. Sometimes the stage tries to highlight her words, other times it seems to contradict or even interrupt her.

Sa: 4.15 pm / Sun:12.00 pm (balzaal)

In this personal solo, in which Levi navigates in between dance and storytelling, memory and farewell are the central themes. She brings to life a multi-faceted and almost, but not quite, gossipy portrait of intimacy and distance within a family. She invites you to reflect on your own family history and the farewell of previous generations. The performance challenges you to open up to notions such as impermanence, memory and past.

Sun:12.00 & 3.00 pm (tuinkamer)

Two bodies in a perpetual embracement; skin to skin, bones entangle and muscles interweave each other in one persisting movement. Since the global pandemic outbreak in 2020, our approach to physical contact has changed radically. Embracing each other has become a scarce physical act, solely allowed in private. In presence of an embracement highlights the importance of the simple but vital act of an embracement.

Sa: every 15 minutes between 12.30 – 1.30 & 2.00 – 3.00 & 3.30 – 4.15 / Sun: every 15 minutes between 12.45 – 1.30 & 2.00 – 3.00 & 3.30 – 4.30 (filmkamer)

The photographic story Flipping The Bird takes you to the dunes; the starting point of a quest to make contact with flora and fauna. The film ends in an explosion; a plea to break free from your solid ground and to choose a new direction. Flipping The Bird is a beautiful and compact work of art, in which language and image constantly reinforce each other.

Sa: 2.15 / Sun:12.45 & 3.45 (schouwkamer)

In Ik ben gestolen, Schouten tries to share something about the subject she initially tried to avoid: the unconditional love of a child for his parent. This monologue is a letter to her father. She demands of him, longs for him, loves him and looks back on him. In a sober setting, her words and her presence on the floor, which she uses as an instrument, are central. By telling her personal story she hopes to touch the universal.

Sa: 1.30 & 4.30 pm / Sun: 12 pm (tuinkamer)

Ten of Swords is a slow pace exploration on the transitional moment from life to death. A space, scarcely decorated with sound, tools and creatures, invites you to inhabit and examine a last breath.

Sa + Sun: continuously 12 – 5 pm (voorkamer)

From his son in Lomé in Togo, Teeken (1944) received a photo depicting his son’s wife, mother-in-law, their two children and his family-in-law. The composition of the photo inspired him to create the motif for a painting: the tousled rhythm of their heads and limbs around the cluttered coffee table within the closed shape of the heavy sofa.

Sa: 12.00 & 1.30 & 3.00 & 4.15 pm / Sun: 12.00 & 1.30 & 3.00 & 4.30 pm (tussenkamer)

In these 24 gouaches, Teeken (1944) investigates the chaos and order of his kitchen table. Every day he sees this round table, often things piled on top of it. The visual poetry of circular objects, such as cups, plates and glasses. against other, almost shapeless, items like a transparent plastic bag: the complexity, disorder and at the same time a certain arrangement fascinate him.

Sa: continuously 12.30 – 13.30, 2 – 3 & 3.30 – 4.15 pm / Sun: continuously 12.30 – 1.30, 2 – 3 & 3.30 – 4.30 pm (room 7a)

Wilsons’s film is an inverted dream in which we disappear. She has been spinning around her own axis for too long and the earth, less and less solid, opens up. What happens at the ends of the circle? Wilsons’s work creates an open space for imagination and magic.

Sa + Sun: continuous 1.00 – 16.00 pm (garden)

Listen to stories about art works from all over the world with The Invisible Collection in the beautiful garden of Marres. Afterwards, together with your family and friends, you’ll learn how to imagine these beautiful stories in a workshop.

ROOMS Performance Festival
ROOMS Performance Festival