21 May 2020 — 02 Aug 2020

Location: Z33, Hasselt

Currents #7: Birds of a Feather

In his ‘Mal d’Archives’ (1995), the French critic and philosopher Jacques Derrida describes the archive as an entity that absorbs, protects, conceals, but also reveals the things that connect us.

We alternatingly desire or fear the flood of information with which we are confronted daily. In the eye of this visual and textual storm, the physical, mental or digital archive appears to offer a moment of repose. The same goes for the artists who test their collection of images, symbols and stories against that mass culture. It is this shared exploration that connected their work in this exhibition. Or as the English proverb has it: birds of a feather flock together.

Curators: Melanie Deboutte & Louis-Philippe Van Eeckhoutte

Participating artists

Birds of a Feather presents works by seven recent fine arts graduates: Myrthe Baptist (BE), Justine Court (FR), Jonathan De Maeyer (BE), Jonas Dehnen (DE), Leroy Meyer (BE) and Naama Roth (IL). Each of them attempts to grasp a strange and confusing reality. The result is a confrontation of seven separate but harmoniously interwoven stories in a cross-over of painting, installations, sculptures, ceramics, photography, film, and graphic design.

Exhibition Overview

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Currents #7: Birds of a Feather
Photo: Kristof Vrancken
Currents #7: Birds of a Feather
Photo: Kristof Vrancken
Currents #7: Birds of a Feather
Photo: Kristof Vrancken
Currents #7: Birds of a Feather
Photo: Kristof Vrancken
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Currents #7: Birds of a Feather
Photo: Kristof Vrancken


For press requests, imagery and interview requests, please contact Julie Cordewener: julie.cordewener@marres.org.

Thanks to

FLACCGrensverleggers and the Dutch Embassy in Belgium.