The exhibition Adam, Eve & the Devil offered a resplendent commentary on the timeless quality of art.
Curator: Ardi Poels
Two late medieval Books of Hours formed the basis, showing the virtuous hand of the often unknown masters. Notwithstanding their strict schemata, these artists knew how to open the door to a new era, with a flourish of style, a coded letter, a small change to a pattern or the sensitive use of materials. Works by contemporary artists enter into a dialogue with these Books of Hours. Medieval aureoles echo in the performance of William Hunt. Droplets of sweat slowly falling to the floor in Oscar Santillan’s A Hymn recall Mary’s suffering. Artists looked for a forgotten soul, a safe refuge, a new relation to the body and the senses. In doing so, they showed surprising spiritual correspondences between early modern art and the art of today.

Participating Artists
Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, stanley brouwn, David Claerbout, István Csákány, Dario D’Aronco, Thomas Grünfeld, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Jean Haincelin (Dunois Meester), Rodrigo Hernández, Sofia Hultén, William Hunt, Alicja Kwade, Wolfgang Laib, Astrid Mingels, Carlo Mollino, Christopher Orr, Thomas Ruff, Stéphanie Saadé, Anri Sala, Oscar Santillan, Gregor Schneider, and Conrad van Toul (Master of the Munich Golden Legend).

Public program
During the exhibition several Meet the Curator/Sunday Guided Tours were offered. During the weekend of May 23, 24 and 25 during Kunsttour Marres offered ongoing guided tours. The weekend ended with the performance ‘The National Anthem of the World’ by Sanne Vaassen. She let the garden snails reinterpret the musical arrangements of national anthems by eating the paper notation of the music and adding new notes by their excreta, their poo.
During TEFAF (13 – 22 March), Marres was open seven days a week from 12 to 7 pm with an exhibition programme full of lectures, films, a workshop and 60 Minute Dinners.
With Mihnea Mircan, curator and writer, Francesco Stocchi, curator of modern and contemporary art at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, Lukas Stofferis, director of the Academy for Arts and Crafts in Utrecht, Heribert Tenschert of Antiquariat Bibermühle, Ige Verslype, restorer at Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Timotheus Vermeulen is assistant professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Pádraic E. Moore is a writer, art historian and curator.

Press about Adam, Eve & the Devil
For press requests, imagery and interview requests, please contact Julie Cordewener: julie.cordewener@marres.org.
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