Visit Marres with a group


Would you like to explore Marres with your family, friends or colleagues, book a group visit. Explore a variety of options. Marres offers tours of the exhibition with or without a guide. But it is also possible to visit the exhibition and take one of the special walks through the area. Finally, Marres offers a Full Senses package.

From 10 persons and more we apply a group discount of 20% on the entrance fee.

Interested in reserving a certain visit? Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Naam / name(Required)
Keuze pakket / packet choice(Required)
Kies hier welk pakket je wenst
Noteer hier de gewenste datum, tijd en andere zaken waar wij rekening mee moeten houden. Wij proberen dit zoveel als mogelijk in acht te nemen maar door verschillende factoren kan het zijn dat de gewenste datum en tijd niet beschikbaar is. We komen dan in overleg tot een nieuwe datum. – ENG: Write down the desired date, time and other things that we have to take into account. We try to take this fit as much as possible, but due to various factors, the desired date and time may not be available. We will then come to a new date in consultation.