In 2022, Marres organized the second edition of the Limburg Biënnale: a group exhibition that connects the professional with the amateur arts.
In doing so, Marres followed the tradition of the annual Summer Exhibition of the Royal Academy in London. The first edition, held in 2020, was a great success with over 250 artworks by more than 150 artists.
Open call
Marres invited everyone in Limburg and its surroundings to participate in the second edition of the Limburg Biënnale. Through an open call, which took place from March 2 through March 18, everybody could submit up to three works. A jury of 12 professional artists evaluated the submissions and selected the participants. They then set up a room in Marres with their selection, also showing their own work.

Jury en curatorial team
Kymani Ceder, Paul Drissen, Afra Eisma, Gijs Frieling, Norbert Grunschel, Susanne Khalil Yusef, Femmy Otten, Derk Thijs, Roy Villevoye & Fransje Killaars, Niña Weijers and Mickey Yang.
Participating artists
Johann Arens, Atelier Les Deux Garçons, Gegee Ayurzana, Marijke Bänziger, Felix Baumsteiger, Michael van den Besselaar, Maud van den Beuken, Nadie Borggreve, Dagmar Bosma, Milena Anna Bouma, Anne-Sophie Bourez, Mathieu Bruls, Greta Carlevaro, Senna Castro, Kymani Ceder, Hannelore Charlotte Celen, Johan Cloesen, Bas Coenegracht, Marie-Josée Comello, Karin Counet, Florentijn de Boer, Bob Demper, Jan Dietvorst, Adele Dipasquale, Yingda Dong, Michaela Drescher, Dina Dressen, Paul Drissen, Jeroen Duijf, Afra Eisma, Timo Ekhart, Koos van der Elsen, Frans Franciscus, Gijs Frieling, Truus Gelissen, Lena George, Jessie Georges, Norbert Grunschel, Vera Gulikers, Hilda Haafkens, Harrie Habets, Wilma Habraken, Paul Hanssen, Doris Hardeman, Nicole Hardy, Haya Yaseen, Toine Heemskerk, Josien Heesen, Trees Heil, Els Hendriks, Fransje Hendrikx, Vera Henning, Sonja Hillen, Ann van Hout, I The Observer, Tabor Idema, Lotte Jacobs, Toon Jans, Nora Jongen, Tonnie Jongen, Marlene Lydia Kapitza-Meyer, Fransje Killaars, Anastasia Kiseleva, Guna Klekers, Han de Kluijver, Luka Kluskens, Ludo de Kort, Le Cerff, Chan Le Doux, Mariet Leufkens, Thijs Linssen, Marian Litjens, Jonas Loellmann, Jeroen van Loon, Alejandra López, Ien Lucas, Maartje Maria, Linda Maissan, Steven Antonio Manes, Martens&Martens, Griet Moors, Marco Morittu, Esmeralda de Mosa, Yvonne Mostard, Martin Moulen, Susana Mulas Lastra, Christine Muris, Felix Nene, Remy Neumann, Annemarie Nibbering, Zoé Numan, Femmy Otten, Bea Otto, PHAE, Mariet Posthumus, Marjo Postma, Gerrit van Ratingen, Jürgen Reichert, René Reynders, Roos Roberts, Paul Rondags, Hannes van Roosmalen, Jamell Saman, Jan Samyn, Limmy Scheres, Alfons Schiffeleers, Ies Schute, Ika Schwander, Triana Segovia, Vera Sillen, Karin Smits, Nelly Snijders, Jiu Song, Henk Speth, Saskia Spitz, Christiane Steffens, Famke Storms, Studio Kuhlmann & Delphine Lejeune, Studio Tess, Fienke Teeken, Toon Teeken, Derk Thijs, Sabina Timmermans, Saar Trienes, Cassandra Troost, Frans Tummers, Ferren Uerlings, Kubilay Mert Ural, Marnix van Uum, Lizzie Veldkamp, Veerle Verschooren, Céline Villevoye, Roy Villevoye, Josine Vissers, Lotte Johhny Vrancken, Bas de Weerd, Niña Weijers, Trudie Westen, Ine van der Weyden, Heleen Wiemer, Vita Soul Wilmering, Indra Wouters, Suyoung Yang, Mickey Yang, Kwan Kit Ellen Yiu and Susanne Khalil Yusef.
Press about Limburg Biënnale #2
For press requests, imagery and interview requests, please contact communicatie@marres.org.