25 Apr 2018

Location: De Brandweerkantine

Training the Senses: Voices

Date: April 25th
Time: 7 – 9 PM
With: Roderik Povel, Bernadette Jansma and Poetry Slammers: Loukia Hadjiyianni, Charis Hoffman, Sophie Malon and Alfie Marsden Smedley
Location: De Brandweer

The voice is our most formidable instrument for expression. The voice speaks, sings, moans, coughs, stammers, hesitates, recites, and sneezes. It helps us to communicate ideas, connect to other people, vent our moods and enthusiasms, sing songs, recite poetry, and command armies. Yet, even though the voice is an unquestioned instrument with which we express our identity, it seems also alien to us. We listen to our own recorded voice as if it belongs to another person. We can hear voices of people that are absent. Unsuspected things can cause us to have a failing voice, one that stammers, falls silent, or is temporarily lost. With help of poetry slammers, a jazz vocalist and a neurologist, we will explore in this event the ways in which our voices constantly mediate between our inner selves and the external world.

Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Rob van Hoorn

Roderik Povel

RodRoderik Povel (1976) is a lecturer in Jazz Vocals at the Conservatorium Maastricht. He studied Jazz Vocals at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague and Conservatorium Maastricht with, among others, Rachel Gould and Fay Claassen. As a vocalist and composer Povel likes to explore the progressive outskirts of the musical landscape and has a great predilection for the song from all eras and continents. As an actor, musical theatre maker and composer, he plays, writes and directs for companies including Het Laagland, De Noorderlingen (Groningen) and Toneelgroep Maastricht.

Bernadette M. Jansma

Bernadette Jansma (1965) is an expert in brain research and the psychology of language processing. She is professor and member of the “Brain and Language Group” at the University of Maastricht. Bernadette received her PhD in 1997 at the Max Planck Institute in Nijmegen on language production and was fellow at UCSD San Diego. Bernadette’s core research focuses on bridging the disciplines of perception and attention with language production, using advanced neuro-imaging to explore the ways in which outside stimuli affect speech.

Poetry Slam Maastricht

Poetry Slam Maastricht: Loukia Hadjiyianni, Charis Hoffman, Sophie Malon, Alfie Marsden Smedley. In a poetry slam, meaning literally to slam (throw, smash) with poetic words, poets battle each other in several rounds with poetry. In each round the slammers have 3 minutes to perform their poems. The content and the performance of the poetry are equally important. The challenge is to make the crowd enthusiastic. The poetry slammers have the senses as a theme fort his event.


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Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
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Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans
Training the Senses: Voices
Photo: Twan Wiermans