09 Nov 2022

Location: De Brandweerkantine

Training the Senses: Performing work

This event has been postponed from October 5 to November 9.


9 November 2022


19.00 – 21.00 uur


Philippine Hoegen, Nirav Christophe and Carolien Stikker


De Brandweerkantine, Capucijnenstraat 21 Maastricht


English & Dutch

Max participants:


A lawyer who is defending her client, and an instrument maker who is tuning a violin will most probably refer to their activity as work, while the musician playing the same violin or a belly dancer taking the stage will probably refer to their work as performance. Most of us would not find it hard to see the performance of the latter two as work, but we might not have considered that most of the work we all do is in some way a performance, and that we tend to call upon different versions of ourselves to perform that work.

This Training the Senses session we will train the sense of ourselves, looking at who we are when we perform work. It is devoted to the working practices and gestures of everybody and anybody in whatever form of work they do. In the session, we will search for, and give the stage to, one or more of our working selves, using techniques including voice dialogue and polyphony, performative exercises, embodiment and interaction. In the course of the session, we will pay special attention to the collection, storing and sharing of these selves in writing, image and movement.

Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn

Philippine Hoegen

Philippine Hoegen is a visual artist living in Brussels. Recent activities include a research residency and series of presentations at Kunsthal Gent titled What is Work? (03/2021-04/2022); the publication In these circumstances: On collaboration, performativity, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices (editor: launch May 2022) by/about a.pass Brussels; and the presentation of her book ANOTHER VERSION: Thinking Through Performing (publisher Onomatopee, Eindhoven) at the Beursschouwburg in Brussels (01/2020). She is currently a researcher at the Professorship Performative Creative Processes, HKU, Utrecht, and Caradt, Avans University, Breda, with the project Performing Working. Working mostly with performance, Hoegen explores the ways in which we continuously create versions of ourselves and what their existence means for our understanding of ‘self’.

Nirav Christophe

Nirav Christophe writes theater texts based on improvisations by actors, libretti for opera and texts for music and dance theatre. In his research, he has specialized in creative processes in which multiple disciplines and media work together. As professor in Performative Making Processes at HKU Utrecht School of the Arts, his emphasis in recent years has been on projects in which artists also collaborate with non-artistic domains. With his recent book Ten Thousand Idiots (2018), he has developed a model from the concept of ‘polyphony’ to describe and analyze these kinds of practices. Learning to distinguish your inner voices, playing with them and switching between them at lightning speed, is for him the basis of the creative process.

Carolien Stikker

Carolien Stikker was trained as an artist specialized in photography in London (1982) and New York (1986) and worked as an artist and art teacher before she started a practice for psychotherapy in 2015 in Brussels and the Maastricht area. She is trained as an integrative humanistic therapist, with a specialization in Voice Dialogue.  This method is based on the idea that we all have different aspects and “voices” that are part of how we function. The therapy is directed at investigating which voices are prominent, when they were developed and which voices have been able to show themselves less. Through self-examination, clients gain insight into the individual system that they have (unconsciously) formed.


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Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn
Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn
Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn
Training the Senses: Performing work
Foto: Rob van Hoorn
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Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn
Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn
Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn
Training the Senses: Performing work
Photo: Rob van Hoorn