Date: July 11th
Time: 6 – 8 PM
With: Joeri Bruyninckx, Kristen Haring and Ulrike Scholtes
Location: De Brandweer
Translation of experience into language is one of the most formidable challenges of learning. Thousands of cookbooks seem to explain how to prepare exquisite meals. Yet, their success greatly depends on the author’s resourcefulness in finding a language that makes readers understand exactly how to handle kitchen equipment, apply cutting techniques, make their timing precise and know what it is they should taste. By focusing on how sensory vocabularies are shared, and how sensory experience is recorded, this session on fieldnotes targets some of these large gaps in our understanding about learning. How do we record observations, share them with others and acquire a skill? This session explores techniques of recording and coding the sensory ranging from tracking bird sounds, drawing yoga positions to knitting in morse code.

Joeri Bruyninckx
Joeri Bruyninckx (1985) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Society Studies of Faculty of Art and Social Sciences in Maastricht. His research focuses on the relations between technology, sensory experience and scientific knowledge. Specifically, his work is concerned with the relation between modes of listening and scientific conceptions of auditory perception, and how these have been mobilized in modern knowledge practices. His book Listening in the Field: Recording and the Science of Birdsong, on the history of sound recording and listening as a scientific practice in field ornithology, has just been published with MIT Press.
Kristen Haring
Kristen Haring (1970) is a historian who studies science and technology in relationship to community and culture. Her book Ham Radio’s Technical Culture (MIT Press, 2007) examined amateur technical activities, particularly the hobby of two-way radio communication in the United States. Her teaching, most recently at Stanford University, focuses on hands-on lessons developed to enrich students’ understanding of history. Her research has been supported by, among others, the Stanford Humanities Center (Palo Alto, California), the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin), and the Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC).
Ulrike Scholtes
Ulrike Scholtes (1986) is een sociaal wetenschapper die praktijken bestudeert waarin Ulrike Scholtes (1986) is social scientist and artistic researcher studying practices in which bodies train sensitivities. She studied somatic practices in Europe and Asia – such as somatic movement, yoga, pilates, butoh dance, mime, Laban Movement Analyses, various massage techniques – and became a practitioner and teacher. Deriving from this background in arts, social science and movement practices, she conducts her PhD research (University of Amsterdam) on techniques that articulate and mediate sensitivity and ways in which people employ sensory media to teach feeling.