Time: 7 – 9 PM
With: Espen Sommer Eide, Mari Kvien Brunvoll, Martin Taxt
Location: Marres, House for Contemporary Culture
Language: English spoken
Inspired by the novel The Waves by Virginia Woolf, the Norwegian composer Espen Sommer Eide makes an eponymous spatial music album for Marres, which will ‘live’ inside the house during the exhibition, and will be printed on vinyl. In the year preceding the opening of The Waves, Sommer Eide recorded in the different rooms of Marres in the night, in collaboration with the voice of Mari Kvien Brunvoll, and Martin Taxt on microtonal tuba. Jochem Vanden Ecker was invited to capture the entire process. With these recordings, Sommer Eide composes a series of works that succeed each other in space and to be listening to either separately or jointly. In taking this Training The Senses session Sommer Eide, Kvien Brunvoll and Taxt guide you through the entire creation of the exhibition.

Espen Sommer Eide
Espen Sommer Eide (1972) is a composer and artist based in Bergen, Norway. Using music and sound as both method and medium, his artistic practice involves long term engagement with specific landscapes, archives, languages, and rhythms, with an experimental approach to local and embodied knowledge. In addition to installation and performances, he has been a prominent representative of experimental electronic music from Norway, with main projects Alog and Phonophani, and a string of releases on the labels such as Rune Grammofon, FatCat and Hubro.
Marie Kvien Brunvoll
Mari Kvien Brunvoll (1984), is one of Norway’s leading improvisers in song and various eclectic instruments. A graduate of Grieg Academy in Bergen, Brunvoll has performed solo and in groups at some of Europe’s best jazz clubs and festivals and released twisted albums on labels like Jazzland Recordings and Hubro. Mari Kvien Brunvoll is also part of the trio Building Instrument.
Martin Taxt
Martin Taxt (1981), born in Trondheim, Norway, finished his studies at the Academy of Music in Oslo and CNSMDP in Paris in 2006. Since then he has established himself in the international experimental music scene. He is releasing albums and touring with groups such as Koboku Senjû and Microtub. Since 2013 he has been a part of the awardwinning art collective Verdensteatret.