25 years of Marres – Volunteer gathering

Photo: Rob van Hoorn

To give our dear volunteers some extra recognition, this month’s 25th celebration was all about them!

Volunteer Thuur and floor manager Tineke planted a walnut tree in the Marres city garden. With fruit from the garden snacks were be prepared to accompany the gathering.

25 years of Marres program

The Secluded Garden workshop

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Marres, marked on the 25th of each month, an extra garden workshop will be organized for November 25.

Workshop: The Secluded Garden

With Hans Engelbrecht

In the urban garden at Marres, the shift from fall to winter is unfolding. We often see this as a process of fading: leaves change color and fall, plants wither, birds migrate, and other animals begin their hibernation. But much more is happening. Gardener Hans Engelbrecht will highlight the processes occurring during this period and discuss the unique plants and animals found in the garden and on its historic walls.

Bundle up and explore Marres’ winter garden with a nice hot chocolate afterwards. We look forward to welcoming you!


The workshop will be held at two different times:
11:00AM – 1:00PM
2:00PM – 4:00PM


Marres Urban Garden, please check in at the reception


Tickets are no longer available

Be quick! Each workshop has a maximum of 15 participants.* The workshops will take place in all weather conditions, so please dress accordingly and wear appropriate footwear! Questions? Mail to receptie@marres.org

Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij

Hans Engelbrecht 

Hans Engelbrecht is an ecological gardener and owner of the company De Groene Stap. His aesthetic approach to landscaping intricately weaves cultural history, ecology, and the local environment. This forges a relationship between gardens and their surrounding environments, giving prominence to nature and natural processes. In Maastricht, he has developed projects such as the city garden of Marres, Sphinxpark, and “De tuin der barmhartigheid” (Garden of Mercy).

Photo: Rob van Hoorn


In this episode, you can listen to a (Dutch) interview by Petra Quadvlieg with Hans Engelbrecht, who is responsible for the development of the Marres city garden.

Hans Engelbrecht is an ecological gardener and developer of the Marres garden. Petra Quadvlieg is a journalist and writer. She recently published the book “Je hond eet je niet op” (“Your dog won’t eat you”).