Currents #8 | Helena Julian & Tim Hollander

Helena Julian (Belgium) is a curator and writer. She studied Art History and Critical Theory at the University of Antwerp. She writes for artists, institutions and magazines and teaches at the Sandberg Instituut. She was an assistant curator for If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution and organized solo exhibitions for

Tim Hollander (The Netherlands) is an artist, curator, scenographer and designer. He earned his Bachelor Fine Arts at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht in 2014 and in attended the residency program at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht 2016-2017. He works in a variety of media including installation, sculpture, drawing and self-published books.

The eighth edition of Currents, a coproduction with Z33, titled And Me, Streams of You, brings together 14 young artists from Belgium, Germany and Southeast Netherlands in a network of stories, experiences, and viewpoints.