Support & partners


Marres, House for Contemporary Culture, receives structural support from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Province of Limburg, and the Municipality of Maastricht. Marres also receives project-based support for various programs. This is stated on the pages of the projects.


Marres collaborates intensively with a number of partners in the realization of projects and exhibitions. With some of them, Marres has a structural relationship in regard to long-term projects. With others, Marres works together periodically. Each project also brings a series of incidental collaborations. Below you find a list of our most important partners:
FaSoS – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Jan van Eyck Academie
Kunstpodium T
Levanto Groep
Maastricht Institute of Fine Arts
Museumnacht Maastricht
Oh My Mood
Toneelacademie Maastricht
Universiteit Maastricht