Marres, House for Contemporary Culture, receives structural support from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Province of Limburg, and the Municipality of Maastricht. Marres also receives project-based support for various programs. This is stated on the pages of the projects.
Marres collaborates intensively with a number of partners in the realization of projects and exhibitions. With some of them, Marres has a structural relationship in regard to long-term projects. With others, Marres works together periodically. Each project also brings a series of incidental collaborations. Below you find a list of our most important partners:
FaSoS – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Jan van Eyck Academie
Kunstpodium T
Levanto Groep
Maastricht Institute of Fine Arts
Museumnacht Maastricht
Oh My Mood
Toneelacademie Maastricht
Universiteit Maastricht
Partners education
AZC Maastricht
Cultuurmakers Maastricht
Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg
Kaleidoscoop / Boost your talent
Lokaal C, Venray
LVO – Stichting Limburg Voortgezet Onderwijs: Porta Mosana College, Sint-Maartenscollege, Bernard Lievegoed College, Bonnefanten College, Ibbo, Graaf Huyn College
Montessori Kindcentrum Maastricht
Pit Cultuurwijzer, Heerlen
Sint Clemens Stichting
Stichting met je Hart
Stichting Kanunnik Salden/Nieuwenhof
Stichting de Vrolijkheid, Heerlen
Universiteit Maastricht
United World College Maastricht
Zuyd Hogeschool